Events in Portsmouth are getting larger and larger every year, with an increasing focus of tourism by the city council after the closure of the Portsmouth Dockyards.

Its BBQ Time

Portsmouth City Council has created a large amount of effort in helping others to create bigger and better events than in previous years. In 2015 we saw the largest Victorious Festival in the summer with great headline acts together with the Southsea Food Festival which was one of our favorite events.

With the increase in tourism and visitors to the city more and more people are taking advantage of this great coastal city and planning wedding and other events in the city, and why not  with views of the Solent and a variety of great venues it seems the most idyllic place to gather friends for your big day. (We Did)

BBQ Catering for your Event

Most venues allow their wedding parties to bring their own catering company to set up if they have the grounds.

We love working with all venues and working with our customers to bring the best in BBQ catering to your big event, We have helped many couples as well as corporate days and events to make their day go with a bang..

As Cesar Chavez said:

If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him… the people who give you their food give you their heart.

So if you are looking for help for your next event then simply contact The Meat Thief – Hampshire Catering Company specialising in BBQ Catering for events.

Call on 02392 989 211 or email