We are giving away FREE Meat Thief T Shirts to anyone.. Yes Free T Shirts.. WOW
For the past 2 years The Meat Thief has had a lot of time for promotion and we have found that our branded t shirts printed by The T Shirt Man (www.thetshirtman.co.uk) have always been very helpful at proving fast turnaround t shirts for us on all occasions.
Over the years we have changed our design and have printed onto all types of garments from t shirts and polo shirts to aprons and waterproof jackets and similar.
We have even had next day t shirt printing from The T Shirt Man and their team when we have had additional staff for an event and needed a quick uniform printer.
We cannot thank them enough at The T Shirt Man for all the help they have given us over the years and we shall be using them for many years to come.
To get your Free T Shirt just go to: https://themeatthief.bigcartel.com/
Purchase Online and we shall ship it to you anywhere in the world.
Many Thanks
The Meat Thief Team x