How does Five Guys cook their fries?
Five Guys Resaurants have been an up and coming trend in the UK, With everyone raving about their fries. Our friends were raving about them so we had to go and investigate and try to replicate their recipe.
So at times when you cannot find the energy to get to a Five Guys Restaurant: Worry not; you can now make your own fries at home and serve them with your favourite dish without a struggle.
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The only secret to having perfect crispy fries is to fry them twice and to fry in peanut oil.
Well, this may sound like a tonne of work but you’ll definitely be happy with the results.
The Following is a perfect recipe for crispy fries seasoned with served with BBQ chicken wings seasoned with fresh lemon juice.
Title: Five Guys Fries
- Number of Servings: 5 servings
- Prep Time: 40 minutes
- Cook Time: 25 minutes
- Total time: 1 hrs 5mins
• 1.5kgs Russet potatoes
• A bowl of cold water ( for cleaning the potatoes)
• Tablespoon of lemon juice
• Refined Peanut oil (for frying)
• Lemon slices (For serving)
1. Peel the potatoes ensuring you remove any eyes.
2. With your knife, keenly square off the potatoes slicing them into ¼ -inch slabs. Then cut the slabs into another ¼ strip.
3. Use the bowl of cold water to rinse your fries until the water is clear.
4. Add the tablespoon of lemon juice into the bowl of water.
5. Transfer the bowl into the fridge and allow it to chill for 30 minutes.
6. Using a home deep fryer, heat the peanut oil over low-medium heat. Ensure you monitor the temperature of the oil.
7. Remove the fries from the fridge and drain them using a clean kitchen towel. Put the wet fries into the heated oil and cook for 7 minutes until they turn slightly golden.
8. Using a wire mesh skimmer, remove the fries from the oil, drain and let them stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat under the oil.
9. Heat the oil again and return the fries to cook for another 3 minutes until golden brown and crispy.
10. Drain the fries on clean paper, salt and serve with your chicken wings and slices or lemon.